Pyqt Signal Slot Emit

I am reading through some documentation on PyQt5 to come up with a simple signal-slot mechanism. I have come to a halt due to a design consideration.


Consider the following code:

To track the changes made to the slider, I simply print and log the changes made. What I do not like about the code is that I am required to call the sld.valueChanged slot thrice to send the same information to 3 different slots.

Is it possible to create my own pyqtSignal that sends an integer to a single slot function. And in turn have the slot function emit the changes that need to be made?

  • Maybe I don't fully understand the purpose of emit() because there are no good examples of it's purpose in the PyQt Signal-Slot docs. All we're given is an example of how to implement an emit with no parameters.
Pyqt signal slot emit light

What I would like to do is create a function that handles the emit function. Consider the following:

Pyqt Signal Slot Emit Generator

I found some tutorials here pyqt4 emiting signals in threads to slots in main thread. And here Emit signal from pyQt Qthread. I'm getting started on PyQt5, I've been trying to learn about signals and slots as it seems to be the proper way to communicating between classes in PyQT. Below you'll find my code, let me walk trough the code with you as you'll better understand my probl. PyQt5 has a unique signal and slot mechanism to deal with events. Signals and slots are used for communication between objects. A signal is emitted when a particular event occurs. A slot can be any Python callable. A slot is called when its connected signal is emitted. Signals & slots(事件与信号). QT signal & slot VS Python signal & slot All the predefined signals & slots provided by pyqt are implemented by QT's c code. Whenever you want to have a customized signal & slot in Python, it is a python signal & slot. Hence there are four cases to emits a signal to a slot: from a QT signal to a QT slot; from a QT signal to a Python slot.

There are obviously some serious design flaws here. I cannot wrap my head around the order of function calls. And I am not implementing pyqtSignal correctly. I do however believe that correctly stating the following 3 points will help me produce a proper app:

Pyqt Signal Slot Emit Sensor

  1. For a predefined signal: send the signal to the slot function. Slot can be reimplemented to use the signal values.
  2. Produce pyqtSignal object with some parameters. It is not yet clear what the purpose of these parameters are and how they differ from 'emit' parameters.
  3. emit can be reimplemented to send specific signal values to the slot function. It is also not yet clear why I would need to send different values from previously existing signal methods.

Pyqt Signal Slot Emit Light

Feel free to completely alter the code for what I am trying to do because I have not yet figured out if its in the realm of good style.