Origin Of Poker Chips

When a player goes online to play his favorite game or even in to a land based casino, the last thing that would be on his mind would be the history of Poker chips. He would be wanting to be sure he had enough cash available to him for this very special evening especially if involved in a high dollar tournament.

  1. Origin Of Poker Chips Made
  2. Origin Of Poker Chips Doubledown Casino
  3. Origin Of Poker Chips Online
  4. Origin Of Poker Chips Zynga Poker
  5. Origin Of Poker Chips
  6. Origin Of Poker Chips Game

That said, it is a question that ponders the mind fleetingly every now and then and the history of Poker chips when reflected upon takes one back in time to days gone by somewhere back in the 1800’s.


It was at this time that gaming chips not only came in different shapes and sizes, but were also made out of different materials too. These were all designed to track ones winnings. Players back in these good old days didn’t have neatly engraved clay chips or even plastic chips which didn’t come around until the 20th century, players would use any valuable object that they could muster even jagged pieces of gold just as long as they weren’t too large.

Origin Of Poker Chips

Most recently, affordable plastic poker chips appeared in the 1940s. There is no doubt that poker has grown steadily in popularity ever since its origin in the 1800s. With the explosive growth of. The History of Poker Chips – From Asia to Europe to the U.S.A. Humans seem to have an inherent desire for risk – the need to gamble a few bills with the chance for a big score. This fact isn’t a new phenomenon, and historians trace gambling back centuries. Buy Poker Chips – The History of Poker Chips By Poker Blog November 28, 2015 Poker Gaming chips have been made from a wide range of materials in an almost infinite variety of styles since the birth of gambling and the need to keep track of winnings.

Plastic chips were to come along much later, along with such materials used today such as acrylic composite and clay composite. Clay chips can actually be traced back to the later 1800’s, but going back to earlier times these were simply not available.

Origin of poker chips pokerChips

As well as using small gold trinkets in the early 1800’s they would also use more basic kind of chips made out of wood but nothing too fancy at that time, oh no. Chip designs and the likes with smooth edges, really played no prominence to the players of this era and carried little significance in their thinking. They were just in attendance to play their game of Poker, accompanied by some late night drinking whilst on their quest to conquer the table, perhaps not too much has changed, after all!

All poker chips have existed since the game has been around though they were quite different in the earlier days. In the 1800s gambling and poker especially gained much popularity in the US and especially in the west states of the country. With this popularity came the need of keeping the track of the wins and losses during the game.

Origin Of Poker Chips Made

In the earlier days all the players had different currencies and some used no paper currency at all. Many players used gold nuggets, dust or any other type of expensive mineral, gems or ores which they had been able to find while working in the mines. Some players even put their cattle on stake while other traded for expensive food items. However, since the game had been so popular it was necessary to have a standard currency.

Origin Of Poker Chips Doubledown Casino

Introduction of all poker chips

A couple of centuries ago, in the US during the time of riverboats and small card rooms there was a need to safeguard real currency while playing the game. There was also a need of standardizing the game and the currency so the card rooms and gambling houses began making use of poker chips. Those rooms used to collect the real currency from the players and charge them a small fee to provide them the chips for playing poker.

Mass production of plastic chips was not used in those days yet. Instead items like bones, wood and stones were used in the form of chips. It was at these gambling houses that the trend of poker chips first began where they took the player's money and turned them into the house's special poker chips. However, the history of poker chips can be traced back to other parts of the world even before that. Several different civilizations had been fond of gambling and many of them even used their own versions of poker chips to keep track of the game.

Origin Of Poker Chips Online

Clay poker chips

The clay poker chips were first made almost at the end of the 1800s. Over the years as technology developed, new materials and different production methods began to be introduced for making poker chips. Acrylic and plastic poker chips were also soon introduced in the market. Several manufacturers also produced custom designed ivory poker chips.

Origin Of Poker Chips Zynga Poker

Modern poker chips

Origin Of Poker Chips

In the mid 20th century the large casinos had already been established in several parts of the US and these casinos became the hot spot for gamblers from all over the world. There was a need for manufacturing thousands of poker chips.

Origin Of Poker Chips Game

Also, there was a need for making different poker chips so that they could be authenticated and separated from the other casinos. With the technology that is available today most casinos use chips with microchips inside them. The weight, size, color and shape are all standardized and the designs are so intricate that it is not possible for anyone to forge these chips. Millions of chips are mass produced by manufacturers today and every casino has its own special set of poker chips which are customized and made from high quality material.